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INI File  |  2009-10-12  |  611b  |  25 lines

  1. [Desktop Entry]
  2. X-AppInstall-Package=metacity
  3. X-AppInstall-Popcon=61937
  4. X-AppInstall-Section=main
  6. Type=Application
  7. Encoding=UTF-8
  8. Name=Metacity
  9. Exec=metacity
  10. NoDisplay=true
  11. # name of loadable control center module
  12. X-GNOME-WMSettingsModule=metacity
  13. # name we put on the WM spec check window
  14. X-GNOME-WMName=Metacity
  15. # back compat only 
  16. X-GnomeWMSettingsLibrary=metacity
  17. X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Bugzilla=GNOME
  18. X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Product=metacity
  19. X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Component=general
  20. X-GNOME-Autostart-Phase=WindowManager
  21. X-GNOME-Provides=windowmanager
  22. X-GNOME-Autostart-Notify=true
  24. X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=app-install-data